Terms and Conditions
NEALA Arabic School for Children
(NEALA Academy has the right to update or change these terms & conditions when needed without previous notice. However, any change to the T&C will be made known and sent to the parents of the registered students)
(In case of dispute, the most recent update or change to the terms & conditions will apply)
(It is the responsibility of the applicant to read and revise the terms & conditions when they register for a course)
The Academy announces the registration at the school annually in July & August of each year.
The registration usually ends middle/end of August. Students can join in anytime during the year IF they have studied Arabic before, and do a level assessment by NEALA to determine their language level and if there is any level that suits them to join.
The Academy has the right to accept or reject any further applications after the end of the registration period based on the availability of places left.
Applications will only be accepted and considered valid when the payment for the first term (September – December) is made. Otherwise, it will be considered as provisional only (pending) and subject to change. In that case, the student is not considered in the preparation and planning of school materials.
Fees must be paid upon completing the registration form (for new students), and that’s within the deadline provided by the Academy.
If any students register after 3 weeks or more from the start of term for which they registered, then their total fees will be recalculated accordingly.
The registered students are automatically considered as registered students in each new term unless a written or verbal notice of withdrawal is given formally by their parents to the Academy.
In order for the Academy to have full preparation for each term (administratively and academically), the students’ registration for the upcoming term must be confirmed in the last week of each term they have attended. This confirmation is only valid if the full fees of the term are paid by/on the last week of the previous term according to the following dates:
1- Term 1 (Sep - Dec ) is to be confirmed between 1st of September and 10th of September 2024
2- Term 2 (Jan – March) is to be confirmed between 1st of December and 10th of December 2024
3- Term 3 (Apr – July) is to be confirmed between 20th of March and 26th of March 2025
Any late payments for confirmations (beyond the dates set above) will incur an additional administration fee of £40 per student to be added to the total of the required fees.
The Academy will notify the parents formally of the due date for the payments two weeks before the payment due date. The Academy has the right to review and update its termly fees, and will notify the parents at least 2 months before applying the newly updated fees.
· The Academy reserves the right to cancel any class and/or a time slot any time before the starting date of the school. The Academy must, in this case, inform parents of students of the cancellation either in writing or by e-mail. If the Academy has cancelled the class, the registration will be invalid and any course fees paid will be refunded fully as soon as possible.
· The Academy has the right to cancel any registration that is not confirmed by means of paying the term’s fees on the due date set and determined by the Academy.
· The Academy reserves the right to cancel any student’s registration after the start of the school for violating the code of conduct set by the Academy.
· The Academy reserves the right to cancel any registration after the start of the school if the student is not showing good academic progress based on assessments and exams carried out by the school.
· If a student/parent cancels their registration 14 days before the start of the school term, then 75% of the fees paid will be refunded, and 25% will be taken for administration work.
· If the student withdraws or cancels registration within the first week of attending the school, then he/she will be refunded 50% of their total registration fees.
· If the student interrupts the course of their study at any time during the term, ends it prematurely, or cancels registration from the second week of school onwards, then he/she will lose the right to get their fees payment refunded.
In order to make all the students get the most of their study time at the Academy, and to observe the students’ progress academically and their general behaviour as individuals, we expect full cooperation and well-maintained communication from the parents as we have specific measures for any misconduct or misbehaviour.
We expect the students to be well-prepared and active on a school day, ready to do their duties appointed by their class teachers. This means, it is not acceptable that a student attends a school class without their books and notepads, or their assigned homework with them. The parents will be notified immediately, in such case, to act upon this and avoid it happening again.
Class participation, exam results and teachers’ notes are used to assess the students’ progress, and whether they are qualified to continue at the school and move to the next level or not.
· If the student is not making sufficient progress in line with his/her class-level, and/or does not meet the required components in the last test he/she takes in the Academy, then the Academy will offer the student (and their parents) one of the following options:
o Repeat the same level with another group – if another group is available at the time.
o Resit the last test/assessment the student has done (only if the assessment falls at the end of Term 3 of the academic year/ July)
o Withdraw the registration of the student from the Academy.
We expect all the students to respect each other, be kind and not to use any impolite verbal or physical actions or gestures towards other students and/or staff and teachers.
· If the student misbehaves or acts inappropriately in their class to interrupt the course of teaching, whether the misbehaviour was with their teachers or classmates, then the Academy will inform the parents of any misbehaviour, and the student will be given a written warning.
· In case the misconduct continues on the next class, the parents will be called into the Academy for a meeting.
· If such misconduct and/or behaviour continues after the meeting with the parents, then the Academy has the right to end the student’s registration from the school without any right of refund.
To make the most benefit of the school time, the Academy expects that students will attend all school days (30 weeks every year), and that they are only absent in cases of emergency or if there is a strong reason to miss the class. It is the responsibility of the parents of the students to notify the Academy of their children’s absence at least 24 hours before the school day by calling the office number or by emailing the school.
The Academy does not have a specific dress code for the students, as long as they wear comfortable clothes and shoes. It is prohibited to wear shoes with heels or wheels for safety reasons. It is the responsibility of the parents to make sure that their children wear clothes and shoes that do not make any tripping hazard for them when going up and down the stairs.
The students are not allowed to use any electronic devices (phones, iPads, etc) during the time they are in the school. Also, bringing any games or toys to the school is not allowed as it causes distraction. Any devices used during the lessons will be kept aside by the teachers until the end of the lesson.
The Academy does not provide any food or drinks for the students for health and safety purposes, except on special occasions and circumstances. In such case, all food provided will be Halal and does not cause any problems to special health requirements by some students.
Any incentives given by the Academy to the students will be given to them at the end of the day and will not be consumed inside the classrooms.
The parents must make sure their children have enough healthy food and a drink (water preferably) for the time they stay in the Academy. It is a must that siblings have separate food boxes and drinking bottles. Foods and drinks MUST NOT be put into the book bag of the student to avoid any damage to the books. The Academy limits the consumption of sugary food to one piece only. We encourage parents to limit sugary food in packed lunch to ONLY ONE piece and that should not be chocolate.
The students are expected to be at the Academy at least 10 minutes before the starting time of their class. If the student shows continuous delay in their attendance, it will affect their progress and the parents will be notified to take action. Similarly, the parents should be ready to collect their children at the set times (whether the students finish at 12:00 or 4:00 PM). It is the parents’ responsibility to notify the Academy by phone in case another parent or relative is to collect the student from the Academy in their place, providing a name, description and relation.
In the Beacon Carpark, there is a ticking system in place to prevent mal-use of the carpark. Therefore, parents of the students can drop off and collect their children without having to register their cars at reception only ONLY during the times listed below. Other than that, please speak to a member of staff to register your car before leaving it in the carpark to avoid any tickets.
The Free Parking time slots are:
1) 8:45 - 9:30 AM
2) 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM
3) 3:45 - 4:30 PM
The Academy provides all the textbooks and study materials to the students at the beginning of an Academic year or beginning of a new level they reach. However, in case the student loses or damages their books, then any replacement will incur a book order fee of £40.
v Lost & Found:
The Academy keeps any personal items left in the school by the students in a box. The parents need to contact the school if they think their child missed anything in class as soon as possible, and if it is found the school will return it to them in the next meeting.
*The Academy has the right to changes or update these terms and conditions at any time, without any previous notice. Parents of students will be notified of these changes by email.